Tutorial Overview
We will take you from initial set up and connection, through a complete tour of Wavelab’s capabilities and control. We’ll demonstrate the subtle but important ways that Wavelab’s user interface differs from most DAW and music production software, and how to make sense of the new tab groups, file groups, naming conventions and file handling. Even if you’ve never touched Wavelab before, but the end of this section you’ll be up and running.
Would you believe that you can surgically remove the accidental coughing of an audience member from an acoustic recording? Or add reverb to just the snare drum in a fully mixed master track? Or remove a police siren from an otherwise perfect interview? You can, with Wavelab 9.5.
We will also take an in-depth look at the real-world capabilities and techniques for waveform editing, spectrum editing, audio analysis, advanced signal processing, montage creation, mastering and how to use all of the metering tools in Wavelab.
Finally, we’ll conduct a step by step demonstration of how to restore and remaster an old recording, create a basic audio CD of those restored files, create a fully professional Red-Book compliant CD master, create a professional podcast and how to use the new Wavelab Exchange to connect Wavelab and Cubase into a seamless and powerful one-two punch for music editing and mastering.
In this video we will also look at and walk through the new features added in the 9.5 update. We look at how to utilize the new Wavelet view for more musical spectral editing. We cover the difference between logarithmic and linear display modes and how to use the new Audio In-Painting tools after removing troubled audio.
We also look at the new Restore Rig in detail with demonstrations of how to use it and the new Error Correction ribbon in combination with one and other.
We take a brief look at the updated plugins like Vintage Compressor and the new Maximizer. We also demo how to use the new censor-generator, how to apply audio water-marks and how to generate both text-base and image-based spectral watermarks.
We conclude with a walk thorough of the new companion software “DDP Player” which is included with Wavelab 9.5