Tutorial Overview
The most comprehensive Wavelab Pro 10 video tutorial
This thorough Wavelab Pro 10 video tutorial starts of with the Introduction and New Features introduces Wavelab’s functions, shows you how to establish (or reestablish) the factory default window layout and get your sound card connected and routed for proper recording and playback. GUI Tour covers windowing, dynamic ribbons, meter selection, and new flexible docking options. We also step through the creation of each of the seven primary functions.
Working in Wavelab covers the tool conventions and dynamic mouse pointer. We look at shortcuts, workflow conventions, and everything you need to make Wavelab feel less “slippery and frustrating”. File Operations covers the unusual and complex file-handling of Wavelab’s default setup and shows you how to name, find, and move files and projects as needed.
Analysis Tools looks at several of the key meters in Wavelab as well as its ability to generate reports on the audio at hand for rapid troubleshooting. Meters and Loudness cover the R128 standard and how (and when) to use the associated tools.
Phase and Phase Meters looks at one of the more daunting aspects of mastering: Phase. This issue has become even more relevant with the introduction of increasingly complex multi-speaker playback environments. We look at how and when to master “with your eyes” vs “with your ears”.
Standards, K-system, Bit Meters is a quick tour of the more technical side of mastering. These tools are typically only employed when sending work down-stream to another facility and you need to make sure it is compliant with their requirements and the end- product’s delivery format. Waveform Editing looks at Wavelab’s traditional linear or 2D editing capabilities which focus on edits-over-time. New in version 10 is the ability to integrate external editors (like Izotope) alongside the native functions in Cubase and even utilize external hardware processors! Spectrum Editing explores what is quite possibly Wavelab’s most powerful capability and biggest selling point, the ability to reach “inside” a waveform for spectrum-based “3D” editing. We even demonstrate how to eliminate things like a cough or police siren from an audio clip. Effects and Envelopes explore how to apply effects to material in Wavelab at four different points: clip, track, part, and output. We also look at some clever ways to exploit the envelope function to make changes over time at each of those levels. Finally, we take a peek at the new plugins included with version 10.
Restoration is exactly what its name implies. We’ll walk through some examples of how to restore old or damaged audio material using the new “ReStore Suite” added in version 10.
Montage and CD Creation is probably the second most popular use of Wavelab. We’ll walk through an example of how to combine multiple finished songs into a read-to-go.