Tutorial Overview
We begin the video tutorial with a guide to the new Spectral Comparison EQ mode, using it to make space between instruments in the mix, and discussing the reasons for doing so. Then it’s on to the new video export system, enabling MP4 videos to be rendered directly from within the Cubase environment, with or without timecode.
Chapters 3 and 4 take you on a guided tour of the MultiTap Delay plugin effect, with its versatile internal effects scheme, and the new Arpeggiator and Spectral Oscillator of the Padshop 2 granular synth. And in Chapters 5 and 6, we show you how to move tracks between projects with the new track import system, and take advantage of the improved MIDI Retrospective Recording setup.
Finally, we completing our comprehensive look at Cubase Pro 10.5 with a fly-by of the Combined Select Tools mode, Note Ruler, Colorized Mixer Channels and Safe Start mode.
We will also take a training deep dive into:
- The new MEDIA tab, it new look-and-feel, new functionality and enhanced drag-and-drop capabilities.
- The new “Add Track” system, the workflow enhancements it provides and some tricks to integrate the new system with your current workflow.
- The upgrades to the Channel Settings Editor, including more sophisticated strip organization tools, upgraded visual interface tools and all new detail-view options.
- The all new “snap-shots” functionality added to the MixConsole. We’ll look at basic operations, detailed snap-shot management options, and work-arounds for some automation issues that can arise with inserts.
- The all new Audio Alignment functionality ported over from Nuendo. This new feature not only allows the Cubase user to enjoy professional-grade ADR tools for game-audio or video production, it also gives you new ways to synchronize drums and edit vocals (all of which we demonstrate)
- The upgrades to Vari-Audio including new lower-zone-sync enhancements, more smart-controls and new ways to allow Vari-Bari-Audio and a MIDI reference track to work tougher
- We also make a quick flyby of the new presets, sound-sets, and VST upgrades (including the all new VST Plug in: “Distroyer”)
- The ins-and-outs of professional-level file handling, back up and project organization
- An in-depth look at different hidden features in the audio editing arena including a way to recover professional results from a plosive-ridden live recording
- New way to think about an manage time, but exploring audio and MIDI quantize features, time stretching, audio warping and the tempo track
- We’ll look at everything Vari Audio has to offer, from simple pitch corrections to creating harmony voices, sheet music and special effects.
- Want to integrate your vintage gear? We’ve dedicated one chapter to understanding (and walking through) how to set up external instruments and external effects. This makes integrating that DX7 or M1 as easy as using any of your VST presets!
- We’ll take a close look at the varied and specific ways to control groups of signals, including VSAs, Group tracks, link groups and folder tracks. What should you use and when? We lay it all out.
- And so much more: Media Bay and her hidden abilities, the Sampler Track, hidden capabilities in your favorite VSTs, workflow aids, plug-in management on a new level and a deep dive on the rack, automation and mixdown.